Well now that I'm a confirmed APOSTATE (a couple of the forum posters confirmed this today), gosh hearing myself say that is a bit frightening.... how the hell did I get to this place, well thanks to anonymity, my 'still in' family don't know this yet...
after a whole day of watching various people describe their differences with creationist ideas, I'm finally watching this one.... it's tongue in cheek and is hilarious to watch....(this is not meant to mock people's belief in god as such, but more to do with how creationist speculation seems to go against openly available data)
I noticed that some of the arguments made by Kent Hovind, a creationist evangelist, smells very much like stuff I learned in 'Life how did it get here by evolution or creation', and in other publications trying to explain why some phenomena in the solar system etc points to the precision in the universe = there must have been a Divine hand... I assume he didn't get the information from JW's, so I wonder who JW's were getting their info from.... well thanks to sites like JWfacts, it's as clear as day anyway please don't watch if you're not ready to take in the copious amounts of data expressed to counter creationist claims... I'm only 20 minutes in and it's pretty devastating to creationist argument, the author of the video encourages each watcher to go do the math themselves where possible, stating even a high school education will give you enough tools to check out the figures and see if they add up.... (oops, that might be a problem for your die hard JW)